ToddLand Seeker
Current Location: Boise, Idaho
Seeking Land in the Following Counties: Ada (ID), Adams (ID), Camas (ID), Canyon (ID), Elmore (ID), Gem (ID), Payette (ID), Twin Falls (ID), Valley (ID), Blaine (ID), Boise (ID)
Seeking Land Size: 501+ acres
What types of farming operations are of interest to you?
- Hay/Forage
- Grain
- Vegetable
- Fruit/Orchard
- Other
What farming practices do you plan on using?
- Conventional
- Organic
Please elaborate on the type(s) of agricultural operation you plan on running:
We represent an agri-business interested in major row crops/permanent including small grains, oilseeds, cotton, edible beans fruit and nuts. The company we represent would prefer 1000 to 3000 acres, possibly as little as 500 acres. All land would be under long term lease with the owner of an active farm starting with 2022 crops season.
More Info
What is your farming/ranching experience?
- On-farm apprenticeship
Tell us more about your agricultural experiences:
- I have worked in land brokerage for 20 + years
How many acres are you currently farming/ranching? 0
Please briefly describe what you grow or raise currently: NA