MelanieLand Seeker
Current Location: caldwell, Idaho
Seeking Land in the Following Counties: All Idaho
Seeking Land Size: 1-5 acres
What types of farming operations are of interest to you?
- Small Animal (eg pigs or poultry)
- Vegetable
- Fruit/Orchard
What farming practices do you plan on using?
- Organic
Please elaborate on the type(s) of agricultural operation you plan on running:
self sustaining homestead
More Info
What is your farming/ranching experience?
- I have no farming experience
Tell us more about your agricultural experiences:
- been planting flowers, shrubs, trees and vegetable gardening for 12 years as a hobby, would love to learn more and be self sustaining one day. I canned and preserved all my vegetables and fruits. sold our home in a neighborhood last year and are currently renting a small apartment while we look for somewhere with property we can grow and maintain and have room to spread our wings.
How many acres are you currently farming/ranching?
Please briefly describe what you grow or raise currently: