AaronLand Seeker
Current Location: Boise, Idaho
Seeking Land in the Following Counties: Ada (ID)
Seeking Land Size: Less than 1 acre, 1-5 acres
What types of farming operations are of interest to you?
- Vegetable
- Fruit/Orchard
What farming practices do you plan on using?
- Organic
Please elaborate on the type(s) of agricultural operation you plan on running:
I currently run my small CSA (32 members) in my "spare" time. My day job is working as a software engineer at Hewlett Packard. I am looking for small parcels of land in Boise to expand, diversify and stabilize the CSA business so I can consider leaving my day job to become a full time urban vegetable farmer.
More Info
What is your farming/ranching experience?
- 5 years or less farm management
Tell us more about your agricultural experiences:
- I grew up on a farm in North Dakota (1500 acres of wheat, corn, soybeans, sunflowers...etc). After completing a Computer Science degree I moved to Boise to work for Hewlett-Packard, gardening in the flower beds around our house for many years. Bit I still felt the pull of the sun and soil. In 2015 I finally took the plunge and started a small CSA of 9 members, specializing in fresh local vegetables, fruit, herbs delivered to your door every 2 weeks or 1/month May - October. This year I will have 32 CSA members and am actively looking to partner with other small growers to provide items for my CSA.
How many acres are you currently farming/ranching? 1
Please briefly describe what you grow or raise currently: I grow a large variety of vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, koholrabi, corn, carrots, onions, melons, ground cherries, tomatoes, tomatillos, peppers, peas, beans, potatoes...etc) a few herbs and some fruit (apples, plums, pears, peaches, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries).